عبارات برای درخواست کمک در انگلیسی
یک شنبه 5 مهر 1394 12:58 PM
میخوام یادتون بدم که از عبارات زیر برای درخواست کمک در انگلیسی استفاده کنید
1. Can you give me a hand with this?
2. Could you help me for a second?
3. Can I ask a favour?
4. I wonder if you could help me with this?
5. I could do with some help, please.
6. I can"t manage. Can you help?
7. Give me a hand with this, will you?
8. Lend me a hand with this, will you?
9. Could you spare a moment?
10. I need some help, please.